Total Fitness Program for Women who want to get Strong, Lean and Toned - at home in 40 minutes or less!

Build Lean Muscle. Burn Fat. Boost Energy and Metabolism.

Designed exclusively for women over 50 to get sustainable results without crushing, punishing workouts... or boring, old lady workouts! 

Join Bolder STRONG NOW


8-Week Total Fitness Program for women who want to get Strong, Lean, and Toned in 40 minutes or less!

Build Lean Muscle. Burn Fat. Boost Energy and Metabolism.

Designed exclusively for midlife women to get noticeable results without crushing, punishing workouts. 

In midlife, if you want your body to respond differently, you need to start training differently.


I'll always shoot it to you straight...

After 40, our hormones start to shift, and it IS harder to stay in shape and lose weight. You've likely realized that 'what used to work is no longer working'. Doing more of what's not working only makes things worse.

When your hormones change, you need a different approach. Many coaches and trainers don't get this!

Bolder STRONG is your answer. This workout program is designed to get you real results in less time, so you can start feeling like YOURSELF again!

You'll get the right kinds of exercise, in the right amount, so you can work with your hormones, not against themAnd, you can do this at home, on your own time, with just a few sets of dumbbells.

I created Bolder STRONG because I believe the second half of our lives can (and should) be better than the first! This is exactly how I stay fit and strong at age 58, and it's how I train my clients, so I know it works!

Bolder STRONG 8-Week Total Fitness Program


Bolder STRONG: Fit Over 50 

... is an 8-Total Fitness Program suitable for all levels, designed to get you strong and fit, so you can look and feel your best - from the inside out!

What you'll get:

  • Short, effective, enjoyable workouts that get results - in just 20-40 minutes

  •  2 Total Body Strength, 1 Low Impact HIIT + 1 Mobility workout each week

  • Follow-along workout videos with expert form cues, coaching, and modifications 

  • BONUS: Stretch + Core workouts

  • Video exercise tutorials to show you proper, safe form

  • Get Started Guide + Nutrition Tips Sheet

  • Support + motivation emails 

  • Sample Workout Calendar - no guesswork

  •  Private FB community for added support, accountability and access to RITA for questions 

  •  Access to the program for 4 months (option to continue access with Continuity Membership)

For women who are READY, EXCITED, and COMMITTED to getting strong, fit, and toned in perimenopause and beyond!


Strength Training is Crucial for Women Over 50

It is the BEST way to build lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn fat without accelerating aging. Muscle is the key to longevity!

2 Strength + 1 HIIT + 1 Mobility Workout Per Week

Full-Body Strength, Low Impact HIIT, and Mobility Workouts programmed to challenge your body, build lean muscle, and improve your strength and fitness. Each workout is unique, so you'll never get bored!

Full-Length Follow Along Videos

No more searching YouTube for random workouts. No guessing what to do, how to do it, or how to modify a move.

I am right there with you, coaching and cueing you through every move of every workout! 

Bonus Workouts & Tutorials

Exercise tutorial videos so you can stay safe and master proper form. 

Bonus Core, Warm-Up and Stretch videos you can do anytime, or as an add-on to your scheduled workout.

Private FB Group 

You have the option to join a private online community for added support and accountability to ensure your success.

This is the place to get your questions answered, get customized feedback, stay motivated and accountable.

Have you ever started a fitness program but didn't finish? I HAVE... many times!

Consistency is key, but if you don't enjoy your workouts you won't stay consistent.

Bolder STRONG makes working out at home  convenient and enjoyable, so you get optimal results in less time with workouts that are:

EFFICIENT: Smart programming that gets results in just 20-40 minutes (because more is not better and you don't have all day to work out!)

EFFECTIVE: Structured, progressive design so you get the best results possible.

ENJOYABLE: I keep the workouts upbeat, motivating, and FUN, so you actually look forward to doing them!

Rita - Founder of Living Bolder

Hi, I'm Rita!

I'm the founder of Living Bolder, a menopause fitness specialist, and former fitness studio owner. Over the past four decades I have trained hundreds of women over 50. 

My personal fitness journey has been all over the map. As a former overweight dancer, I spent years hating my body and punishing myself with restrictive diets, and over-exercising. But over time, I finally found balance. Today, I work out less and eat more than I ever have! 

I understand the unique challenges of midlife women. Trying to change your body after 40 or so IS harder, but it's also 100% possible. You don't have to do it alone... I can show you how!

My midlife clients often tell me: "My body has changed even though I haven't changed anything! What used to work before is no longer working!" 

I will teach you how to get in the best shape of your life, at home with short, effective workouts that you actually look forward to doing.

I created Bolder STRONG for women just like you and me. This is exactly how I work out at age 58, and how I train my clients, so I know it gets results.

Clients Are Saying...



DISCLAIMER: This workout program is designed for educational and sharing purposes. As an adult, capable of listening to your body, you know what it can and can’t handle. Follow these workouts at your own risk. I have done my best to design a safe and effective workout, but please speak with your physician before starting any fitness program, especially if you are at a higher risk for illness and injury. Rita Jenkins-Wolcott and Living Bolder, LLC assume no risk or liability for your voluntary participation in this program.